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Who Are Our Experts?

Jenny Man

Urban Fitness Trainer

Jenny Man is the Urban Fitness Trainer.  Jenny has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years.  She is dedicated to helping women and men improve their health, fitness and wellbeing. Jenny specialises in strength, conditioning, mobility and inch-loss, through proven methods, using kettlebells, weight training and HIIT training (high intensity interval training). Jenny’s...

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Paula Riedel

I have been training with Jenny since 2007. I used to go sporadically to the gym and eventually decided that I needed some motivation and guidance in order to improve my fitness level and my posture. Jenny worked on my core strength and stability, back exercises and weights for strength and stamina. To this day, thanks to Jenny, I am fitter and stronger than I have ever been and have much better p...

Paula Riedel

I have been training with Jenny since 2007. I used to go sporadically to the gym and eventually decided that I needed some motivation and guidance in order to improve my fitness level and my posture. Jenny worked on my core strength and stability, back exercises and weights for strength and stamina. To this day, thanks to Jenny, I am fitter and stronger than I have ever been and have much better posture. I really appreciate everything Jenny has done for me. She is a very positive person and knows how to keep me motivated and how to ensure that I push myself that little bit further. She listens to me and designs my programme carefully around my objectives. She also makes sure there is variety and over the years has introduced me to exercises I never dreamed I could manage! Jenny is very knowledgeable, very friendly and she is focussed on helping you achieve your goals. Overall, she is an excellent trainer and I would recommend her to anyone who is thinking about personal training.

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Lance Edwards

At age 58, working in a desk job, and doing very little exercise I was putting on weight, feeling tired and short of energy, not sleeping well and was not as mentally sharp as I had been previously. I have access to a gym where I live but could not generate the motivation to visit it. Around 7 months ago, I and two friends decided to take up boxing training with Jenny. Since then I have been train...

Lance Edwards

At age 58, working in a desk job, and doing very little exercise I was putting on weight, feeling tired and short of energy, not sleeping well and was not as mentally sharp as I had been previously. I have access to a gym where I live but could not generate the motivation to visit it. Around 7 months ago, I and two friends decided to take up boxing training with Jenny. Since then I have been training twice a week, mainly boxing training with occasional fitness based personal training sessions. I have lost over 10 Kg in weight, and seen my body shape change for the better. I also feel much more energised, sleep better, and am more mentally sharp meaning I am performing better at work. Jenny has also given invaluable advice on my diet which I follow as much as possible, and which has also had a positive impact. Jenny has been able to provide me with the motivation and inspiration I need to work hard in the gym and to achieve the results I am looking for of weight loss and general fitness, and I am very grateful for her help and support.

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Barbara Maxwell

Although I was quite an active youngster, like many people, the demands of working in a sedentary office job meant that I carried too much weight and became less flexible and generally unfit. When I could see that my dad was heading for a prolonged (and generally healthy) old age, I thought I had better prepare myself for the possibility of living beyond the standard “three score year and te...

Barbara Maxwell

Although I was quite an active youngster, like many people, the demands of working in a sedentary office job meant that I carried too much weight and became less flexible and generally unfit.

When I could see that my dad was heading for a prolonged (and generally healthy) old age, I thought I had better prepare myself for the possibility of living beyond the standard “three score year and ten”. I would see older people struggling to get around without sticks or other aids and resolved that I would try and stay mobile and strong for as long as possible.

At some point my employer offered its employees free gym membership and I began to work out but after 2 or 3 months of regular attendance it became obvious that simply using the gym equipment according to their recommended regime was not providing results. I turned to Jenny for personal training and she showed me not only how to concentrate my efforts more efficiently but also provided me with a wider perspective on fitness generally, including suggestions for diet reform.

It used to be thought that humans stopped being able to put on muscles around the age of 60, but now we know that you can develop muscles even at the age of 90. With Jenny's direction, I have totally built up my muscle strength to the point that I can lift much heavier weights than before and my stability has definitely improved. Over the last few years I have also reduced my weight in a way that is maintainable. She's good at varying the challenges so that I don't get stale but also helps me to push myself that bit harder than I would do myself without supervision. I've got a good twenty years to go before I reach 90 but I think that if anyone can prepare me for the challenge, Jenny has the expertise to do it.

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Emma Scott

As a dancer its really important to keep a strong core, which is why I train with Jenny. I think its important to mix up your exercise regime a little as your body can get used to one thing and become a little lazy. Jenny constructed a great kettlebell workout for me, which was pretty tough at first but I have seen great results. I feel stronger, more energized and have leaner muscles. Jenny is gr...

Emma Scott

As a dancer its really important to keep a strong core, which is why I train with Jenny. I think its important to mix up your exercise regime a little as your body can get used to one thing and become a little lazy. Jenny constructed a great kettlebell workout for me, which was pretty tough at first but I have seen great results. I feel stronger, more energized and have leaner muscles. Jenny is great at adapting workouts to an individual need and is great fun to work out with. I always look forward to my sessions with her.

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Sarah Shell

Thank you so much for helping me achieve my fitness goals of 2010. When I met you in January I wanted to get fitter, tone up and if at all possible drop a dress size back to a size 12. It took many weeks of hard work with you training me weekly as well as following your tips on a healthier eating regime but I amazed myself and obtained my goals. I lost 9kg and dropped a dress size by June! Not onl...

Sarah Shell

Thank you so much for helping me achieve my fitness goals of 2010. When I met you in January I wanted to get fitter, tone up and if at all possible drop a dress size back to a size 12. It took many weeks of hard work with you training me weekly as well as following your tips on a healthier eating regime but I amazed myself and obtained my goals. I lost 9kg and dropped a dress size by June! Not only were the training sessions intense but also varied and always adapted to continue to push me further. You also continued to train me when I became pregnant up until my 7th month and varied the exercises to suit the different stages of my pregnancy which I am convinced has helped me to have a healthy and relatively easy time so far! Thank you again for your help and support and I will be back to see you for more personal training to regain my pre-pregnancy figure when I return to work next year!”

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Vanessa Liew

Jenny trained me for 8 months leading up to my wedding day, I achieved fantastic results and can highly recommend her. I’ve been a regular user of the gym for 6 years, however I hit a dead end and was unable to lose any weight no matter how many 10K runs I did or times I visited the gym. When my wedding day was fixed, I decided to turn to personal training for help! Jenny is brilliant as she mot...

Vanessa Liew

Jenny trained me for 8 months leading up to my wedding day, I achieved fantastic results and can highly recommend her. I’ve been a regular user of the gym for 6 years, however I hit a dead end and was unable to lose any weight no matter how many 10K runs I did or times I visited the gym. When my wedding day was fixed, I decided to turn to personal training for help! Jenny is brilliant as she motivates you and pushes you beyond your ‘comfort zone’ to help you achieve your goals quicker. She also monitors your diet and makes invaluable recommendations without you unrealistically starving yourself. Our one-to-one sessions were tough but varied and interesting, for the first time in years, I was beginning to see significant results in as little as a month, I lost my belly fat, and toned up all over. I also received lots of compliments from friends and family after just a few sessions. Anyway, I was extremely pleased with my results, and so were my friends, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve any of this without Jenny.

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Stewart Bennett

In April 2010, I embarked, together with a group of friends, on the 150kmHaute Route, a ski trail which runs from Argentiere, France to Zermatt, Switzerland. It is a gruelling ski tour, which took us 5 days and is a combination of mountaineering, ski touring and powder skiing, all at high altitude. So that I had the fitness and stamina to cope with t...

Stewart Bennett

In April 2010, I embarked, together with a group of friends, on the 150kmHaute Route, a ski trail which runs from Argentiere, France to Zermatt, Switzerland. It is a gruelling ski tour, which took us 5 days and is a combination of mountaineering, ski touring and powder skiing, all at high altitude. So that I had the fitness and stamina to cope with this challenge, I decided to sign up for personal training sessions about 9 months before the off and started an intensive fitness regime with Jenny. She was excellent from
the get go…she designed a specific programme for me which progressively
became more challenging but tackled the core muscle groups which I needed to develop. She gave a lot of thought to the design of the programme and made it varied that made the training fun. For instance, we mixed up kettlebells with cardio and weight training. There is no doubt that I could not have reached the fitness level I did without Jenny, which made the challenge more manageable. Jenny is incredibly client centric  she listens and is realistic and really helped me to achieve my goals. She pushes but equally makes the sessions enjoyable. Even post challenge I continue to use Jenny as I think she is first rate and helps me maintain a high level of fitness.  

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Just a small thank you for all your training, help and patience over the last month. I recall before beginning my personal training sessions you asked me to outline my key objectives. Those were: (i) to lose weight (ii) to develop working out/training as a long-term sustainable hobby and (iii) for you not to kill me during my initial training on account of the fact that I hadn...


Just a small thank you for all your training, help and patience over the last month. I recall before beginning my personal training sessions you asked me to outline my key objectives. Those were: (i) to lose weight (ii) to develop working out/training as a long-term sustainable hobby and (iii) for you not to kill me during my initial training on account of the fact that I hadn’t worked out for over 13 years! I can safely say that after only over a month I have achieved my objectives. It is very rewarding to notice changes in my body loss of weight, definition and a stronger back. In addition, I have also found a new hobby with working out which offers an important escape from my otherwise life of working long hours. Thank you so far and I look forward to continuing training with you and working towards getting an even healthier and leaner body!

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Sebastian Venus

I have only been training with Jenny for a relatively short time, but with her help I have already noticed significant results. I have been lifting weights both power lifting and Olympic lifting  for several years, and had always believed that, because of my bod...

Sebastian Venus

I have only been training with Jenny for a relatively short time, but with her help I have already noticed significant results. I have been lifting weights both power lifting and Olympic lifting  for several years, and had always believed that, because of my body type, in order to get stronger I had no choice but to become bigger, and that meant having quite a bit of body fat.Jenny changed all that. She introduced more cardio into my weeklyprogramme, which included weight-based exercises so as to keep mystrength up. She helped to correct problems with my posture, which hasenabled me to lift heavier weights. She introduced more variety into myprogramme to stimulate different muscle groups, and she analysed my dietand proposed changes, all of which have enabled me to achieve weight lossof around 8kg, gain muscle definition, retain muscle mass, and yet still liftheavier weights. I am very grateful to Jenny for her unyielding efforts inhelping me achieve my goals. She is extremely passionate about her role,and is very knowledgeable about all aspects of fitness and strength training.

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Sumayya Patel

I chose Jenny as my personal trainer as she spent the time to fully understand my goals; we have been training together for the last 6 months and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. For many years I spent time at the gym doing my own workouts, my aim was to gain weight the right way, which seemed to be an impossible task until I started training with Jenny. She has spent time to teach me...

Sumayya Patel

I chose Jenny as my personal trainer as she spent the time to fully understand my goals; we have been training together for the last 6 months and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. For many years I spent time at the gym doing my own workouts, my aim was to gain weight the right way, which seemed to be an impossible task until I started training with Jenny. She has spent time to teach me new exercises, help me gain strength and also helped with my diet to ensure I gain the right type of weight. She keeps the sessions interesting and varies them to ensure my ever-changing goals are being accomplished. I have gone from strength to strength, lifting weight that I never dreamed would be possible. I have Jenny to thank as her guidance and constant motivation made this achievable. 

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Paula Riedel

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Lance Edwards

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Barbara Maxwell

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Emma Scott

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Sarah Shell

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Vanessa Liew

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Stewart Bennett

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Sebastian Venus

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Sumayya Patel

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