training with kettlebells

If you’re looking for strength, tone and definition but not to bulk up then training with Kettlebells will do just that. Think of Brad Pitt who was in amazing shape in “The Fight Club” or Angelina Jolie, strong and yet feminine in “Tomb Raider”.

Kettlebells are weights in the shape of a bowling ball with a handle on the top. The handle being outside of the mass of the bell means that the body has to overcome and develop as well as absorb momentum. This is a fantastic tool for explosive swing movements that will benefit all sports activities. They are completely versatile and have been described as a hand held gym. These days kettlebell drills are used by top-class athletes because of their unique ability to combine muscle and strength training with an intense cardio workout.

Training with Kettlebells for Women – Training with kettlebells is a fantastic way to tone up and lose body fat fast. Women are not going to build huge muscles just by lifting weights. Large amount of testosterone is required to build huge muscles (hence why it is easier for men). Instead you will end up with a slim, toned physique rather than bulging muscles. As a woman myself I too do not want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I exercise with kettlebells and I can guarantee you will gain strong, lean, toned and defined muscles with an increase in fitness.

Training with Kettlebells for Men – kettlebells build all over strength and torch away excess fat. They have been used by Russian Olympic weightlifters and athletes for years. You will get stronger, fitter and leaner just like the men in ‘Gladiators’.

Other reasons why Kettlebells are my favourite:

  1. Your entire body gets a workout – All kettlebell exercises are freestanding, therefore requires you to use the entire body. (Unlike some weight training exercises where you might use a bench to support yourself). Not only are you using the major muscle groups in your body but also your stabilising muscles which are so important to keeping your core, and joints strong and healthy.
  2. You burn more calories in less time – Using weights in an explosive manner works your body much harder than regular aerobic training (running, cycling etc) . This boosts your metabolic rate and burns body fat fast.
  3. Cardio and strength training – The use of the weights will increase your strength and the power movements will increase your heart rate rapidly therefore increasing your strength and fitness more efficiently. (HIIT training/Tabata training). The fitness you’ll achieve from just 20mins of intensive kettlebell drills far outweighs an hour of steady pace running.
  4. Improves flexibility and mobility – Kettlebell exercises stretch muscles and mobilise joints. E.g. The Swing will stretch the hamstrings and hip flexors; and mobilise the hip joint.


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